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All Staff Details:

[Mr. Nagesh Narza Baro, Principal, M.A., M.Phil., Baska Degree College]

[Mr. Partul Baro, M.A., NET, Deptt. of Bodo]

[Mr. Arjun Baro, M.A., SLET, Deptt. of Bodo]

[Miss Moromi Muchahary, M.A., NET, Deptt. of Bodo]

[Mr. Hiteswar Malakar, M.A., SLET, Deptt. of Assamese]

[Mrs. Mitali Pathak, M.A., SLET, Deptt. of Assamses]

[Mr. Mohan Bhattarai, M.A., Deptt. of Nepali]

[Mrs. Pranita Sarania, M.A., Deptt. of Hindi]

[Mrs. Smriti Rekha Gogoi, M.A., Deptt. of Hindi]

[Mr. Lenin Swargiary, M.A., Deptt. of English]

[Miss Kajol Swargiary, M.A., Deptt. of English]

[Mr. Sanjay Rajbongshi, M.A., SLET, Deptt. of Political Science]

[Mrs. Mridula Das, M.A., Deptt. of Philosophy]

[Miss Swrjima Goyary, M.A., Deptt. of Philosophy]

[Mrs. Jitumani Swargiary, M.A., Deptt. of Geography]

[Mrs. Nokhunggri Lahary, M.A., SLET., NET., Deptt. of Bodo]

[Mrs. Sonali Brahma, M.A., Deptt. of Education]

[Mr. Amrit Baro, M.A., Deptt. of Education]

[Mr. Bidyut Basumatary, M.A., Deptt. of Economics ]

[Mr. Lwmsao Sainary, M.A., NET., Deptt. of Economics]

[Mr. John Basumatary, M.A., Deptt. of History]

[Mr. Traloikyojit Goyary, M.A., Deptt. of History]

[Mr. Balen Das, M.A., Deptt. of Mathematics ]

[Dr. Torali Das, M.A., P.hd., Deptt. of Anthropology ]

[Miss Shibani Swargiary, M.Sc., Deptt. of Anthropology]

[Mr. Robin Dev Chetry, M.A., Deptt. of English]

[Mr. Lalit Swargiary, MLISc., Designation Librarian]

[Mr. Padmo Boro, MLISc., Designation Asstt. Librarian]

[Mr. Champak Kumar Baro, M.A., Designation UDA]

[Mr. Nubul Baro, M.A., Designation LDA]

[Mr. Rajiv Ramchiary, B.A., Designation LDA]