General Rules and Admission Procedure:
Student have to apply for admission in Prescribed form supplied by the college. Prospectus along with admission form be Obtainable from the college on payment of Rs. 200/- only, in working days.
Conditions of the following to be noted:
1. The admission form if found incomplete during scrutiny will be
summarily rejected.
2. The candidate will have to submit photocopies of the documents of the Qualifying
Examination , duly attested with the application form.
3. Admission must be taken in person on payment of the fees already fixed.
4. At the time admission following documents must be produced in original.
a) Mark sheet and certificates of qualifying examination, HSLC onwards.
b) A certificate from the Head of the institution last attended, justifying his/her
c) Two copies of recent passport size photograph.
d) Gap certificate (when necessary).
e) Caste certificate from the competent authority where necessary.
f) Migration certificate, if the student is migrated from other University Board.
# Admission to 1st September (TDC 1ST year) classes be completed by 20th June in each session
Rules of the College Discipline:
Every students of this college shall have to abide by the Rules of Discipline of the College. The college always lays great emphasis on discipline and character building Of the students. They are expected to maintain a high standard of discipline.
- a. The student should be punctual in attendances and must be in his/her seat at The time of class period. Absolute silence be observed in class rooms.
- b. No society or association of the students will be formed without the prior Written to the Principal.
- c. Any notice or circulation desire to be pasted by the students anywhere in the College premises will be needed prior approval of the Principal.
- d. A student if found guilty of misconduct or indiscipline may be expelled or Rusticated from appearing in any examination for one year or more year ,or He/she may be fined for his/her misdeed.
- e. All forms of ragging in the college are strictly prohibited. Strong disciplinary Action will be taken against those who involve in such activities.
- f. Every student of the college must have an Identity card and come in Uniform In case of attire except Thursday. But during examination day’s uniform is Compulsory even in Thursday.
- g. Every student is required to keep their mobiles in silent mode in the college Campus and no conversation will be allowed during class-time, if found Conversing he/she will be debarred from college for a day.
- h. Students are required to read the notice put up in the notice board of the College. The college shall not accept any responsibility for the loss incurred by A student owing to his/her failure to read the notice time.
- i. No student will be allowed to smoke, chew pan-gutkha-tobacco, drink alcohol And take drugs in the premises of the college. Any student found to use these things Will be punished in the form of fine and will be debarred from the college for The week.
- j. The students are bound by all the rules and regulations made by the college Authority time to time.
- k. The Head of the Institution reserves the right of modifying the rules and regulation To maintain disciplinary measure when felt necessary.