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Examination Rules

Examination Rules and Regulations(2018-2019):

a. A TDC shall be of six semester covering three calendar years. The schedule for Semester system shall be shown below-

  • i. First, Third and Fifth semester : June 1st to Dec. 31st.
  • ii. Second, Fourth and Sixth semester : January 1st to June 15th
  • iii. Semester Break : July month .

b. Student’s performance will be monitored throughout the semester by continuous Assessment n each of the theory and practical courses. Evaluation of the continuous’ Performance in each of the theory and practical paper will be based on the following-
  • i. Internal evaluation : 20 Marks
  • ii. External evaluation : 80 Marks
c. Internal evaluation will be based on two Sessional examination, home assignment, Seminar and library work in each Semester.
d. External evaluation should be through a final examination at the end of the semester.
e. Pass marks in each theory paper is 30% and that in each practical paper s 40%.
f. In each paper , students must secure pass marks in both the internal as well as External evaluation separately.
g. A student who could not appear or failed in any semester examination will be allowd To clear the same as follows-
  • • First Semester with the regulation Third Semester examination.
  • • Third Semester examination with the regular Fourth Semester examination.
  • • Third Semester with regular Fifth Semester examination.
  • • Fourth Semester with regular Sixth Semester examination.
h. A student may be allowed to “repeat” any one of the theory papers in the First, Second, Third and Fourth Semester , may be allowed for “betterment” of Marks in one paper in the Semester , provided the students secure less Than 45% marks in the paper .
i. No “repeat” / “betterment” shall be allowed in the practical examination in Any Semester.
j. A student must pass all his/her Semester Examination , including “repeat” And “betterment” chance within five years from the date of admission to the First Semester course. A student will get a maximum of three chances to clear a particular Semesters.
k. Since the Semester involve continuous assessment there would be no scope For a student to appear as a private candidate in any subject.
l. There shall be no provision to change Honour subject or to change the course Into regular .